
The stagnant showering clouds
Drift away, of sudden
The pleasant winds of change
Kiss my face as they blow
Waking me up to a new day
Bright and blossoming
The darkness is past
So is the uncertainity

Everyone’s rejoicing
The lovely lovely change
Infectious smiles all around
Lifting the spirits unaware
How joyous it seems
With bliss all about
Like never before seen
Wishes of all come true

But I havent felt
The change though I
Can sense it happening
All my friends have
Found companions
But it seems to me
I am all alone with
No one right beside me

The pain I feel
Of loneliness in a crowd
Is way beyond me
Jealous I have become
Of those I meet
Smiling away plenty
Each smile so rich
and I havent any

When shall this end
Eager thirst of mine
For company of heart
Mind and soul
For now I go on
The sullen gloom still on
Listening to the tales
Of lucky ones around me


Anonymous said...

oh this is really nice the way you poured down ur feelings is touchin . anyways,patience pays vemana..iam sure you r goin to get THE BEST of all

black coffee said...

amen to that mounica!
i have bin tellin him this since God knows when!