Why do I feel like what I do
I sit here and brood
Want to cry my heart out
Why am I so attached
To something so inanimate
It pains to hurt something
I possess, I own, I use
It belongs to me
But I am its slave
On its behalf I cry, I die
Is this love, is this care
Or insanity, I am unsure
Why cant I say, “So What”?
“I don’t give a damn”
I find it hard to part
Throw away something once dear
Old it has become, beyond use
Yet I treasure, as if it were gold
Everything I own has life
Memories they possess translate as my own
Sometimes I feel they live through me
I thrash the finest of them
The pain this causes gives me solace
There are more to come
Much more to endure
So better break the bonds
Before bonds break me
break a bond and another soon takes birth, learning to sustain a bond, now that takes something!
Nice piece. good job...
Nicely done ra...gud work..keep it goin'
wow. you do poetry. amazingly.
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