Why do I feel like what I do
I sit here and brood
Want to cry my heart out
Why am I so attached
To something so inanimate
It pains to hurt something
I possess, I own, I use
It belongs to me
But I am its slave
On its behalf I cry, I die
Is this love, is this care
Or insanity, I am unsure
Why cant I say, “So What”?
“I don’t give a damn”
I find it hard to part
Throw away something once dear
Old it has become, beyond use
Yet I treasure, as if it were gold
Everything I own has life
Memories they possess translate as my own
Sometimes I feel they live through me
I thrash the finest of them
The pain this causes gives me solace
There are more to come
Much more to endure
So better break the bonds
Before bonds break me