Round and Round

There there I go again
Round and round
Making no way
Down the drain found
Remnants stale, There there
Jump around, make no sense
Fight a bout with unhappiness
Take a punch, lose the round
Take more in helplessness
Pain tingles up my system
Enjoy the numbness
Insecure and loose thought
I shall lose and why not
What have I done not to

Rationale is a crazy thing
Pride and survival go along
Kick me in the gut, wake up!
See sense and make believe
A burst of strength
One last shot and don’t give in


I am here standing
Staring down at the black wall
Just a foot of lease
Holding firm, contemplating
If to embrace the ethereal sea
Just a small step away
From the path of no return
Could turn out to be
The greatest adventure yet
Unknown is always beautiful
I have avenues still open
Decisions not yet made
Though painful I go back
To the infinite possibilities
Disappointments, joys at large
The adventure waits
I wont fear its way
When I happen to cross
For now I shall turn
Leave these behind
Have got amends to make
And doors to knock.

On the Sill

I sit on the window sill
Looking at the horizon
Through the grill
A cool breeze is blowing
The drapes fluttering
But am aware no longer
Of the distant drone of traffic
Sweet twittering of the birds
Unintelligible calls of the hawker
Papers on my bed rustling

The light is fading
And so is my observation
I slip into a pensive mood
Am deep in reflection
Thoughts about friends
Hope in search of the one
I wish to remain
On the window sill
Seeing the city rise
Blend with the sky
Feel like I am taking
Into my arms all the bliss
Making its way down.

The trance is broken
The phone is ringing
And I am called
Back to this world
I heave and sigh and
Get down from the sill
Cursing my world
To resume my routine